miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2008


- alt eseu in engleza -

“Say what you will, ‘tis better to be left than never to have been loved” (William Congreve)

Love… what is love? Since man first appeared on the face of the earth, love was there, sticked to him. And nowadays, when everybody seems so cold and senseless, love finds a way to mess with our hearts and minds, even if we don’t want it. So we would like to control love, to stop it from hurting us or from making us feel, uh, you know… feel like being in love.
Is love when you miss someone, is it when that someone is with you and your heart beats like crazy? Is love a feeling or is it a rational thing that we can control? Is it in our powers to decide whom to love? And how does it feel to love and to be loved?
First of all, love is a choice you make, is your responsibility. But, in the same time, love is acting on its own, being more than a rational feeling. Actually, love is such a complex thing, that you can’t say exactly what it is. All that is certain about love is that every single person that has ever lived or still lives today needs to love and to be loved. And, I guess, not only humans need love, but also the animals (and even the plants, as the researchers noticed). They seem to react to feelings such as love, hate, anger, and they can reply to those feelings.
Love has to be experienced, not explained. If you try to understand love, before living it, you would be kind of like Newton. He only discovered gravity when the apple fell on his head, not when he was living all day among numbers and physics theories. But, you might get hurt by love, because that apple might be a bit heavier in your particular case. So love is also about courage. The guts to experience something new, something that might hurt, but you could also take off for the ninth heaven.
People say love is blind. Well, that’s not love, dude. Love is rational. You have to think to the next step you should make when you love someone, to see the benefits and the downside of your decisions and actions.
And there’s another problem. People refer to love as like between man and woman. But you see, that’s only the cherry on the top of the “love cake”. You are meant to love your parents, your friends, the people you know, your enemies, yourself (this one is the trickiest of all), God. Loving all these persons will make you satisfied, and loving a girl (in my case…) or a boy, well, that’s like wow!
But, the biggest wow you get is from God, because even if you don’t love him, he will always love you. You know people can easily let you down and instead of that wow you are looking for, all you get is an ouch! So, as I said, you have the cherry, but the cherry without a cake is like a fish without a bike. And the best part of the cake is made out of God’s love for you and your love for him.
Love… it make you bring together all the various directions of your life and unites them in big creamy delicious cake with a nice shiny red cherry on top of it. Dare to taste it and you will never get enough of it.